Just read an unbelievable news, about giant spaceships are gonna attack earth in 2012.
Let me guess, it'll be 12/12/2012, as according to the Mayan calender. Is that right? Based on the Mayan calender, it's not an indication of doomsday, but merely the end of the cycle of it's calender, just like our yearly calender. Also, how does the scientists know that the object detected are spaceships, and not some large meteorites or supernova's fragment trajectories? After all, an optical visual is only possible from Earth if it's at least close to Mars (and it's currently beyond Plato). Finally, how is one to know the intent of the extraterrestrial (assuming they do exist)?
Putting aside the facts. Assuming it will happen. Assuming it's not aliens, but large size meteorite striking earth. Scientifically speaking, any exceedingly large meteorite striking our surface is sufficient to bring an end to earth's population. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_event)
Having someone special by your side before death seemed like a great idea, but i don't think everyone can afford the same luxury... I suppose I'll make do with a few carton of Royce's Nana Chocolate.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
On Investment - Forex
I was just surfing at random, suddenly thought about forex, after watching Wall Streets: Money Never Sleeps. And the thought of forex reminded me of 2 events: A recent conversation between my vocal teacher and a clubmate about learning Forex. And also, a financial course I've attended before on stock trading.
I was told before that there's no one in this world that made his/her fortune out of Forex alone, unlike entrepreneurs, stocks investors, etc. Just checked my facts on the net and it seemed true. Even the only one person who succeeded it (George Soros), only becomes bloody rich cos of just one extremely successful speculation, rather than it being a continuous process.
I actually felt that I should advise my clubmate about the risks involved (even though my understanding of Forex is only very mediocre), especially for someone who probably is new to the investment world. I actually noticed a further pattern in people who are obsessed with speculative investing: They tend to apply leverage more careless than they ought to. It's a gamble, even with sophisticated trading options like trailing stops, price targeting, etc.
The currency differences are usually either positive or negative. The fundamentals involved that influences the currencies are complex and not always a determinant. For example, how will you speculate the rise or fall of a currency when there are numerous financial news that points to both the rise and fall of the currency concurrently? For all we know, Euro dollar likely to take a hike, due to the EU decided to bail Ireland out of it's financial ravage. And it wasn't too long ago within this year that Greece needed a bailout from the EU as well. The situation could have been interpreted as:
1. This signifies potential financial problems with member countries of the EU. Euro dollar could continue to depreciate for the time being. Best to dispose existing investments against Euro dollars.
2. The EU and IMF will always bail out its members, therefore investors are always safe. Should acquire more Euro dollar while it's cheap.
At the least, it seemed to me that the EU is unlikely to allow the Euro currency be destroyed anytime soon. Curiously, Germany seemed to be against the bailout in both incident. What could this spell?
I guess stocks are somewhat safer. The fundamentals are on the company's balance sheet. Yes, the stock price does not always go along with the intrinsic value of the company, but at least a fundamentally strong firm, or one with strong competitive advantage doesn't die that easily. Besides, technical analysis could also be applied to speculate the market, when there's no particularly news on the market. The two could be combined together, so that even if risks need to be taken, it's taken reasonably. And of course, personal finance management is also a key part to risk management. Only invest what you can afford to lose. And of course, with the aid of trading tools as like I've mentioned for Forex earlier on, it further helps to monitor and enter/leave the market as quickly (unless there's a sudden price gap that exceed the target price boundary).
I was told before that there's no one in this world that made his/her fortune out of Forex alone, unlike entrepreneurs, stocks investors, etc. Just checked my facts on the net and it seemed true. Even the only one person who succeeded it (George Soros), only becomes bloody rich cos of just one extremely successful speculation, rather than it being a continuous process.
I actually felt that I should advise my clubmate about the risks involved (even though my understanding of Forex is only very mediocre), especially for someone who probably is new to the investment world. I actually noticed a further pattern in people who are obsessed with speculative investing: They tend to apply leverage more careless than they ought to. It's a gamble, even with sophisticated trading options like trailing stops, price targeting, etc.
The currency differences are usually either positive or negative. The fundamentals involved that influences the currencies are complex and not always a determinant. For example, how will you speculate the rise or fall of a currency when there are numerous financial news that points to both the rise and fall of the currency concurrently? For all we know, Euro dollar likely to take a hike, due to the EU decided to bail Ireland out of it's financial ravage. And it wasn't too long ago within this year that Greece needed a bailout from the EU as well. The situation could have been interpreted as:
1. This signifies potential financial problems with member countries of the EU. Euro dollar could continue to depreciate for the time being. Best to dispose existing investments against Euro dollars.
2. The EU and IMF will always bail out its members, therefore investors are always safe. Should acquire more Euro dollar while it's cheap.
At the least, it seemed to me that the EU is unlikely to allow the Euro currency be destroyed anytime soon. Curiously, Germany seemed to be against the bailout in both incident. What could this spell?
I guess stocks are somewhat safer. The fundamentals are on the company's balance sheet. Yes, the stock price does not always go along with the intrinsic value of the company, but at least a fundamentally strong firm, or one with strong competitive advantage doesn't die that easily. Besides, technical analysis could also be applied to speculate the market, when there's no particularly news on the market. The two could be combined together, so that even if risks need to be taken, it's taken reasonably. And of course, personal finance management is also a key part to risk management. Only invest what you can afford to lose. And of course, with the aid of trading tools as like I've mentioned for Forex earlier on, it further helps to monitor and enter/leave the market as quickly (unless there's a sudden price gap that exceed the target price boundary).
Friday, November 19, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
I was debating with a friend on facebook earlier on. We talked about alot of things, but mostly about what we shouldn't... such as religion. We talked about morality as well. One of his view on humanity thoroughly shocked me...
In summary of what he claimed: "Altruism is simply heuristic thinking. Heuristic thinking need not be rationalised prior to event. It can also be genetic."
According to him, people perform socially desirable acts as a result to weighing ones benefits and costs. Indeed, that is true, but it doesn't applies across the board for all scenarios and people. But to claim that failure to weigh such self-serving benefits and costs is simply as a result of heuristic thinking... I've this feeling that he overapplied the concept of "heuristic thinking".
From what I've learnt in Buddhism, we were taught that the general guideline of morality, is to do what benefits yourself and others. Therefore, immorality is to harm yourself and others. How do we benefit others? We empathize, put ourselves in others' shoes, to find out how can we help others. But these are only in deeds. True cultivation of the heart is also to discipline ourselves by also not allowing ourselves to feel proud of the good deeds we've done, or desire for any rewards. This, in my opinion, is truly altruism.
In summary of what he claimed: "Altruism is simply heuristic thinking. Heuristic thinking need not be rationalised prior to event. It can also be genetic."
According to him, people perform socially desirable acts as a result to weighing ones benefits and costs. Indeed, that is true, but it doesn't applies across the board for all scenarios and people. But to claim that failure to weigh such self-serving benefits and costs is simply as a result of heuristic thinking... I've this feeling that he overapplied the concept of "heuristic thinking".
From what I've learnt in Buddhism, we were taught that the general guideline of morality, is to do what benefits yourself and others. Therefore, immorality is to harm yourself and others. How do we benefit others? We empathize, put ourselves in others' shoes, to find out how can we help others. But these are only in deeds. True cultivation of the heart is also to discipline ourselves by also not allowing ourselves to feel proud of the good deeds we've done, or desire for any rewards. This, in my opinion, is truly altruism.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
最近因为认识了一些人, 发现了一些事, 便有了一些感触.
总觉得其他人都是盲目的, 被锁在这世界, 似乎在无谓的最求名利与单纯的美色, 或是无疑问地迷惑于宗教的信念。
但在茫茫人海中, 却偶然发现, 其实也有人有和我一样的感觉, 甚至一样的无奈。
突然间觉得自己不再是一个人在挣扎, 终于在这荒野的沙漠里, 看到了真的人影。
本来应该感到高兴, 但觉得更加无奈。
要如何开口呢? "你好! 我也和你一样, 感到无奈。"? 或许只能以无名的身份, 在他/她的blog上留些鼓励。。。 或许这是他们永远都不知道的事,我也不甘心。。。但这世界还有几个人能和他躺开胸怀?
成长的岁月,包括了那么多的猜疑与背叛。。。 有时真希望大家从来就不需要长大。。。 明明大家的心情都是一样的,偏偏隔了那么多门与锁头,这是何苦?大家要向前看。。。 前面真的每次都那么好看吗?
总觉得其他人都是盲目的, 被锁在这世界, 似乎在无谓的最求名利与单纯的美色, 或是无疑问地迷惑于宗教的信念。
但在茫茫人海中, 却偶然发现, 其实也有人有和我一样的感觉, 甚至一样的无奈。
突然间觉得自己不再是一个人在挣扎, 终于在这荒野的沙漠里, 看到了真的人影。
本来应该感到高兴, 但觉得更加无奈。
要如何开口呢? "你好! 我也和你一样, 感到无奈。"? 或许只能以无名的身份, 在他/她的blog上留些鼓励。。。 或许这是他们永远都不知道的事,我也不甘心。。。但这世界还有几个人能和他躺开胸怀?
成长的岁月,包括了那么多的猜疑与背叛。。。 有时真希望大家从来就不需要长大。。。 明明大家的心情都是一样的,偏偏隔了那么多门与锁头,这是何苦?大家要向前看。。。 前面真的每次都那么好看吗?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Musical Euphoria
For a long while, my life has been having like crazy currents running under seemingly still water. I always have an interest for music in general, but it was about a year ago that the interest leads me into something deeper: Singing. It's a mean to vent my frustrations. Even so, it seemed that it's beginning to lose it's effect... until I just reached another level.
Recently fell in love with a song by Jay Zhou's 说了再见. Been hunting around for any traces of music that resonates with what's going on inside me, but for most of the time, it's hard to find an exact match. Earlier on, I managed to find the piano solo version of that song on youtube. That's when I realised what I've forgotten all these while. In a song, there are the lyrics, the melody and the vocal/s. The former tells the story of the song. The latter expresses/interprets the story of the song by using vocal techniques to enhance the story-telling process. If we take out the former and the latter, it leaves us with the melody, for us to plug our own meaning... and even lyrics into the song, to make it "our song". Back to the example I've given, 说了再见 is a song interpreted by Jay Zhou. It's his story, his song. But after listening to quite sometime, I get this feeling that I would like to have my own version of the story too, even though the story might not be completely relevant to the original lyrics or interpreted in the same way as the original artis/producer wants it to be.
Quote another example. Canon in D by Pachelbel. It was commonly used as a wedding theme. But in an old advertisement by Pantene, the very same music was used as the underlying theme... to tell the story of a young deaf gal who went through to much hardships and faced discrimination to participate and win a classic recital competition. The music was thus interpreted as akin to narrating the butterfly slowly breaking free from it's cocoon, away from its previously unassuming form.
Guess I'll be loading my ipod with the instrumental pieces soon enough.
Recently fell in love with a song by Jay Zhou's 说了再见. Been hunting around for any traces of music that resonates with what's going on inside me, but for most of the time, it's hard to find an exact match. Earlier on, I managed to find the piano solo version of that song on youtube. That's when I realised what I've forgotten all these while. In a song, there are the lyrics, the melody and the vocal/s. The former tells the story of the song. The latter expresses/interprets the story of the song by using vocal techniques to enhance the story-telling process. If we take out the former and the latter, it leaves us with the melody, for us to plug our own meaning... and even lyrics into the song, to make it "our song". Back to the example I've given, 说了再见 is a song interpreted by Jay Zhou. It's his story, his song. But after listening to quite sometime, I get this feeling that I would like to have my own version of the story too, even though the story might not be completely relevant to the original lyrics or interpreted in the same way as the original artis/producer wants it to be.
Quote another example. Canon in D by Pachelbel. It was commonly used as a wedding theme. But in an old advertisement by Pantene, the very same music was used as the underlying theme... to tell the story of a young deaf gal who went through to much hardships and faced discrimination to participate and win a classic recital competition. The music was thus interpreted as akin to narrating the butterfly slowly breaking free from it's cocoon, away from its previously unassuming form.
Guess I'll be loading my ipod with the instrumental pieces soon enough.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Crappy Sentosa Management II
Such fine weather. Looks like its gonna rain again. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I really love rainy days. It's cooling. Perfect for a good afternoon nap, or to generate inspiration for song-writing.
Anyway, it's back again with more updates on craps from work.
What's the rationale for a customer to tip a service staff? It is a compliment and reward for their good service. It is as far as it is like sales commission which should go directly to the sales personnel who sealed the deal. But strangely, things doesn't work that way over at my end. I'm not exactly sure if that's how it goes in other parts of FnB outlets in Singapore too. At least over at my side, part-timers are not entitled to tips even if given to them by the customers. To make the matter worse, the upper management passed down the instruction that only full-timers are entitled to it. Furthermore, it seems like the management had an idea that they only wanted the full-timers to act in supervisory position, rather than actually assisting in the real groundwork.
Consequences? Firstly, it drives a wedge between the regulars and part-timers. Part-timers ain't happy that the upper management expects so much from the part-timers, doing the manual job, serving the guests personally, only to be rewarded with criticism, distrust, and unfairness due to the tips issue. It increases likelihood of delinquency in part-timers, which in turn might result in substandard service and non-cooperation with the full-timers. The backlash of this can result in customers' complaints and increasing distrust by the full-timers on the part-timers. I've worked at yet another part of Sentosa where the manager and supervisor personally get their hands dirty to help the servicing staffs. Those are whom I actually held respect for. The manager of the casino himself actually passed down some magic words... Humble, Trust, Respect. In the latter case, I really saw a humble attitude in the management. If things are important or difficult, at least help out, rather that lashing out harsh words and crossing arms, watching things happening at one end of the floor, especially when there's shortage of manpower. They really earned my respect. There's hardly much trust in the case of the former...
"Cover backside". To cover yourself from responsibility. Well... If you had to work independently, I guess it's important to limit your responsibility. But if the work involved requires teamwork, the members needs to be team players, and the management requires more delicate hands to manage the members... and definitely not one with priority to lookout for someone to be blamed. A corrective action is necessary, but not necessarily one that is always disciplinary in nature. Sometimes, procedures can be changed to allow staffs to function more effectively. At other times, some things are best not to micromanage, to provide for some level of sensibility and flexibility as the situation requires.
On a sidenote, I've noticed an interesting example while at work. They seemed to have manager (or management executive) who would ask guests for feedback after they finished gaming. In western culture where gambling tends to be more of a hobby to kill a little time after dinner, winning and losing seemed to have much lesser impact on their mood... or at least most of the average people. But for the Asian counterparts... Gambling is pervasive. Many are likely to spend hours, if not days in a casino, gambling their life away. And most of the time, guests aren't happy to have lost alot. The manager... approached a lady who left a gambling table, looking displeased. When the manager asked for feedback, she replied that she's not happy she lost alot. The manager in turned tried to console her and said he's sorry for her lost... I'm exactly sure how sorry he is, but I'm pretty sure he asked the guest at the worst timing possible... if not being insensitive. He's trying to do his job, but he wouldn't be able to get his job done properly for his responsibility. 事倍功半。
Conclusion: Life is never fair.
After all, it seemed like there are plenty of people out there who just got nowhere to throw their money, easily gambling away over 1 year of our salary in a single stake. Doesn't that make sense how the GDP still increases per year and yet there's so much people who just don't earn enough?
Anyway, it's back again with more updates on craps from work.
What's the rationale for a customer to tip a service staff? It is a compliment and reward for their good service. It is as far as it is like sales commission which should go directly to the sales personnel who sealed the deal. But strangely, things doesn't work that way over at my end. I'm not exactly sure if that's how it goes in other parts of FnB outlets in Singapore too. At least over at my side, part-timers are not entitled to tips even if given to them by the customers. To make the matter worse, the upper management passed down the instruction that only full-timers are entitled to it. Furthermore, it seems like the management had an idea that they only wanted the full-timers to act in supervisory position, rather than actually assisting in the real groundwork.
Consequences? Firstly, it drives a wedge between the regulars and part-timers. Part-timers ain't happy that the upper management expects so much from the part-timers, doing the manual job, serving the guests personally, only to be rewarded with criticism, distrust, and unfairness due to the tips issue. It increases likelihood of delinquency in part-timers, which in turn might result in substandard service and non-cooperation with the full-timers. The backlash of this can result in customers' complaints and increasing distrust by the full-timers on the part-timers. I've worked at yet another part of Sentosa where the manager and supervisor personally get their hands dirty to help the servicing staffs. Those are whom I actually held respect for. The manager of the casino himself actually passed down some magic words... Humble, Trust, Respect. In the latter case, I really saw a humble attitude in the management. If things are important or difficult, at least help out, rather that lashing out harsh words and crossing arms, watching things happening at one end of the floor, especially when there's shortage of manpower. They really earned my respect. There's hardly much trust in the case of the former...
"Cover backside". To cover yourself from responsibility. Well... If you had to work independently, I guess it's important to limit your responsibility. But if the work involved requires teamwork, the members needs to be team players, and the management requires more delicate hands to manage the members... and definitely not one with priority to lookout for someone to be blamed. A corrective action is necessary, but not necessarily one that is always disciplinary in nature. Sometimes, procedures can be changed to allow staffs to function more effectively. At other times, some things are best not to micromanage, to provide for some level of sensibility and flexibility as the situation requires.
On a sidenote, I've noticed an interesting example while at work. They seemed to have manager (or management executive) who would ask guests for feedback after they finished gaming. In western culture where gambling tends to be more of a hobby to kill a little time after dinner, winning and losing seemed to have much lesser impact on their mood... or at least most of the average people. But for the Asian counterparts... Gambling is pervasive. Many are likely to spend hours, if not days in a casino, gambling their life away. And most of the time, guests aren't happy to have lost alot. The manager... approached a lady who left a gambling table, looking displeased. When the manager asked for feedback, she replied that she's not happy she lost alot. The manager in turned tried to console her and said he's sorry for her lost... I'm exactly sure how sorry he is, but I'm pretty sure he asked the guest at the worst timing possible... if not being insensitive. He's trying to do his job, but he wouldn't be able to get his job done properly for his responsibility. 事倍功半。
Conclusion: Life is never fair.
After all, it seemed like there are plenty of people out there who just got nowhere to throw their money, easily gambling away over 1 year of our salary in a single stake. Doesn't that make sense how the GDP still increases per year and yet there's so much people who just don't earn enough?
Saturday, July 31, 2010
不知道为什么。。。 最近一直感到一丝丝的快乐,但后儿也带来着幽幽的悲伤。 最近一些人与事进入了我的生活, 但也有些人逐渐离开了我,总觉得好像很多重要的东西都不在我的掌控之中。。。无能力抓住他。 或许我不配拥有幸福吧。。。 好几天的漫天大雨,似乎反照出了我的内心世界。
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Strange Happenings
Been getting alot of weird calls lately. Not too long ago, I've got an overseas call from who-knows-where. Think it's China, since I've also received calls from there last year, telling me that I've strike an international lottery or something. And a few moments ago, there came a local sms from someone called brian, asking me if I'm bi or aj. When I further probe since when I gave him my number, he claimed it's last year. When finally I asked who he's looking for, there was no reply afterwards. Shrug. A gay trying to do random hookups, or a prank from some friend who juz changed his number? Either way, I didn't bother to call.
Also had a strange dream the night before that I met up with my current colleagues for K session, then I sang till I was crying. I vaguely remembered that just before my sleep, I was pondering upon something about not letting go of potentially important people, or they will just rub shoulders with you and be gone forever, like the number of people's contact I have on msn or on phone, but we never choose to talk to each other anymore. Was also thinking over what my colleague, SW said to give a call and go out.
Been thinking quite abit over this weekends. Probably because I'm gonna stop part-timing soon, and right after reservice (which would also spell an end to the last long holiday as a student), it's time to mug for my final year. Been curious about the developments in my club, but I think that non-intervention is best since I'm no longer in position anymore and I guess that I should have more faith in the new excos after myself.
The future still looks quite foggy for me. I can't see where I'll end up at.
Also had a strange dream the night before that I met up with my current colleagues for K session, then I sang till I was crying. I vaguely remembered that just before my sleep, I was pondering upon something about not letting go of potentially important people, or they will just rub shoulders with you and be gone forever, like the number of people's contact I have on msn or on phone, but we never choose to talk to each other anymore. Was also thinking over what my colleague, SW said to give a call and go out.
Been thinking quite abit over this weekends. Probably because I'm gonna stop part-timing soon, and right after reservice (which would also spell an end to the last long holiday as a student), it's time to mug for my final year. Been curious about the developments in my club, but I think that non-intervention is best since I'm no longer in position anymore and I guess that I should have more faith in the new excos after myself.
The future still looks quite foggy for me. I can't see where I'll end up at.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Idiotic China Worker
I'm blogging this entry right after coming home from a graveyard shift. Damn pissed with a China bugger who don't use his brain to work, or at least have a sense of working peacefully with colleagues. Before I got on ranting, I would like to put up a disclaimer: This is NOT intended to refer to ALL China people, but a good number of them who exhibits such behaviour. Here goes the story:
It is near change shift time. My shift was coming to an end. Most people have the tendency to not bother with helping the next shift top up their supplies. I'm was tasked with supplying all the stations for my shift. Being nice, I've topped up all the stations with supplies by at least an excess of 50% more, as a sign of proper hand-over... which something most other people wouldn't have bothered. All except one station, but the supply is more than enough to last for at least 2 hrs., which is at least enough time for anyone to take a slow stroll to top up that supply at least 4 times over. And anyway, even my guy at that station also feel that there's still more than enough, so I didn't bother to rush that.
Then this China bugger came to take over my job when change shift, so i'm supposed to be able to go off already and everything's in order. Then he started ranting, "Your guys didn't top up everything completely! You all supposed to handover everything in perfect order!". All the while, he didn't realise he's ranting to the person doing the job. I said, "I'm was in-charge of the supplies. What is your issue?" That's when he tried to wriggle out and suddenly trying to play nice, "Oh! But you need to go off already, right? Just leave it to me then." What is this? It's my fault and he's being nice by forgiving me? I was damned pissed and went to rush to pick up the supplies in 5 mins time, slapped an excess more than that station can hold, and told his (another china) colleague, "Your colleague is making a big fuss over that bit of supplies not filled to brim! What the hell is wrong with him?". He quietly picked the supplies for packing, but i didn't even bother waiting to see what he's going to do with the excess that he couldn't store. Btw, what's missing is only 10 bottles of soft drinks out of 60. That's all to the commotion he's making.
My job is not to make sure that the person taking over me can afford to slack and cross their legs for the next 3 hrs, since he's not paying me my salary. The principle is that as long as I'm not leaving them with shortage all over the place, I'm being responsible enough already, which most other staffs would not have been that kind. If he needed help with topping up the excess, at least have the decency to do it together, since he's also on the job, and not rant at one corner.
On a sidenote, here's a little maths logic to it: You can't predict the demand very well for which soft drinks the customers prefer, so if you top up the wrong one, you'll have little space for the more popular ones and the person topping up the supplies will have to go on multiple runs. A little bit of free space without causing a shortage in supply is also a resource. I dunno why the educational field look up to these people simply because they can remember things by rout, but don't apply flexible thinking to different scenarios.
The search for the one optimal solution, is at times is in itself a suboptimal solution. Not everything is 1 + 1 = 2 or always 3. I don't trust academicians very much. They tend to use beautiful language and ideals like 1 +1 = 3, but what about 2.999 or 4.6294? Believe me. If they could, they would have add it to their vocabulary and insist that the optimal solution is 2.999. Unless lives are at stake on accuracy, a perfect world is one that is imperfect... to an acceptable standard.
It is near change shift time. My shift was coming to an end. Most people have the tendency to not bother with helping the next shift top up their supplies. I'm was tasked with supplying all the stations for my shift. Being nice, I've topped up all the stations with supplies by at least an excess of 50% more, as a sign of proper hand-over... which something most other people wouldn't have bothered. All except one station, but the supply is more than enough to last for at least 2 hrs., which is at least enough time for anyone to take a slow stroll to top up that supply at least 4 times over. And anyway, even my guy at that station also feel that there's still more than enough, so I didn't bother to rush that.
Then this China bugger came to take over my job when change shift, so i'm supposed to be able to go off already and everything's in order. Then he started ranting, "Your guys didn't top up everything completely! You all supposed to handover everything in perfect order!". All the while, he didn't realise he's ranting to the person doing the job. I said, "I'm was in-charge of the supplies. What is your issue?" That's when he tried to wriggle out and suddenly trying to play nice, "Oh! But you need to go off already, right? Just leave it to me then." What is this? It's my fault and he's being nice by forgiving me? I was damned pissed and went to rush to pick up the supplies in 5 mins time, slapped an excess more than that station can hold, and told his (another china) colleague, "Your colleague is making a big fuss over that bit of supplies not filled to brim! What the hell is wrong with him?". He quietly picked the supplies for packing, but i didn't even bother waiting to see what he's going to do with the excess that he couldn't store. Btw, what's missing is only 10 bottles of soft drinks out of 60. That's all to the commotion he's making.
My job is not to make sure that the person taking over me can afford to slack and cross their legs for the next 3 hrs, since he's not paying me my salary. The principle is that as long as I'm not leaving them with shortage all over the place, I'm being responsible enough already, which most other staffs would not have been that kind. If he needed help with topping up the excess, at least have the decency to do it together, since he's also on the job, and not rant at one corner.
On a sidenote, here's a little maths logic to it: You can't predict the demand very well for which soft drinks the customers prefer, so if you top up the wrong one, you'll have little space for the more popular ones and the person topping up the supplies will have to go on multiple runs. A little bit of free space without causing a shortage in supply is also a resource. I dunno why the educational field look up to these people simply because they can remember things by rout, but don't apply flexible thinking to different scenarios.
The search for the one optimal solution, is at times is in itself a suboptimal solution. Not everything is 1 + 1 = 2 or always 3. I don't trust academicians very much. They tend to use beautiful language and ideals like 1 +1 = 3, but what about 2.999 or 4.6294? Believe me. If they could, they would have add it to their vocabulary and insist that the optimal solution is 2.999. Unless lives are at stake on accuracy, a perfect world is one that is imperfect... to an acceptable standard.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Crappy Sentosa Management
Lame regimentation?
I'm starting work tomorrow night at Sentosa's Casino tomorrow. Still relatively pissed about the dress code issue. In my opinion, if the waiter/waitress' dresscode is acceptable by bank industry standard, why not the FnB industry? And even if they still think that it's appropriate for us to standardise our outfit, then why don't they provide staff's attire instead? I had to go to the extent of looking for ugly, baggy, black long pants myself, at my own expense, just for this part-time job that doesn't even pay well. As if it's not enough, you don't get to keep any tips given to you by the patrons, as all the tips belongs to the casino. So really, why am I obliged to perform well, when the job doesn't pays well and it's not of my concern whether I get tipped or not? At least if you get some sales related jobs outside, you get an acceptable base pay, plus a decent commission for each deal you've secured.
I'm starting work tomorrow night at Sentosa's Casino tomorrow. Still relatively pissed about the dress code issue. In my opinion, if the waiter/waitress' dresscode is acceptable by bank industry standard, why not the FnB industry? And even if they still think that it's appropriate for us to standardise our outfit, then why don't they provide staff's attire instead? I had to go to the extent of looking for ugly, baggy, black long pants myself, at my own expense, just for this part-time job that doesn't even pay well. As if it's not enough, you don't get to keep any tips given to you by the patrons, as all the tips belongs to the casino. So really, why am I obliged to perform well, when the job doesn't pays well and it's not of my concern whether I get tipped or not? At least if you get some sales related jobs outside, you get an acceptable base pay, plus a decent commission for each deal you've secured.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Mismanagement and Ethics
I was checking through my email today when I come across a newsletter sent by SIM. There was an invitation to attend the seminar of a certain management expert. I thought that it's not a bad idea to attend the seminar for some inspiration. There was an introduction video. Checked the link:
The expert started talking about about use of Internet in the recent age, and how businesses should make full use of the Internet to drive their business, like "how effectively porn distributes online". Epic failure on 2 points... Firstly, IT is already not a new technology that was born a few years back, but about two decades already. An opening speech like this is either belittling the audience, or that perhaps he's incredibly outdated. On a sidenote, he's an old geezer... Secondly, porn is not an appropriate example, not because of it's obscene nature. Many businesses, especially in the earlier days were particularly inspired by the effectiveness of porn distribution on the Internet and hoped to imitate the success by doing advertising in the same way. It eventually leads to the use of pop-ups, banners and even tracker cookies. I'm not exactly sure of the effectiveness of such, but the younger generation of the Internet users find them to be a nuisance. Even if consumers could remember the name and product due to intense repetition from looking at the pop-ups and banners, it's usually only negative reinforcement.
The expert then went on to bring up the point on privacy, and advises all parents and consumers to adjust their facebook privacy settings. Make sense. We are revealing too much information without being aware of it. But the rationale he suggested... "You might not be able to get your dream job because of something inappropriate on your facebook, such as pictures of how you had fun at a party when you were 17, and that's not the real you". Is it good management practice to recruit people based on some facebook profiles, rather than on solid working experiences and expertise? How superficial can a management guru gets?
So who's gonna benefit from a speech like these? Spyware/Adware makers who help consumers block out unwanted ads and cookies; Internet advertising firms which continues to send out the propaganda unethical Internet advertising techniques are effective; The expert guru himself who charges a high price for people attending his seminars. Frankly speaking, I might be hasty to judge the guru based on a 5mins introduction video of him, but I decided that my money is safer with me when I'm lacking information to make better evaluation of the effectiveness of his seminars.
The expert started talking about about use of Internet in the recent age, and how businesses should make full use of the Internet to drive their business, like "how effectively porn distributes online". Epic failure on 2 points... Firstly, IT is already not a new technology that was born a few years back, but about two decades already. An opening speech like this is either belittling the audience, or that perhaps he's incredibly outdated. On a sidenote, he's an old geezer... Secondly, porn is not an appropriate example, not because of it's obscene nature. Many businesses, especially in the earlier days were particularly inspired by the effectiveness of porn distribution on the Internet and hoped to imitate the success by doing advertising in the same way. It eventually leads to the use of pop-ups, banners and even tracker cookies. I'm not exactly sure of the effectiveness of such, but the younger generation of the Internet users find them to be a nuisance. Even if consumers could remember the name and product due to intense repetition from looking at the pop-ups and banners, it's usually only negative reinforcement.
The expert then went on to bring up the point on privacy, and advises all parents and consumers to adjust their facebook privacy settings. Make sense. We are revealing too much information without being aware of it. But the rationale he suggested... "You might not be able to get your dream job because of something inappropriate on your facebook, such as pictures of how you had fun at a party when you were 17, and that's not the real you". Is it good management practice to recruit people based on some facebook profiles, rather than on solid working experiences and expertise? How superficial can a management guru gets?
So who's gonna benefit from a speech like these? Spyware/Adware makers who help consumers block out unwanted ads and cookies; Internet advertising firms which continues to send out the propaganda unethical Internet advertising techniques are effective; The expert guru himself who charges a high price for people attending his seminars. Frankly speaking, I might be hasty to judge the guru based on a 5mins introduction video of him, but I decided that my money is safer with me when I'm lacking information to make better evaluation of the effectiveness of his seminars.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Human Err
Sometimes when reading the news or holding a conversation, I get incredibly work-up. There's a sheer number of figureheads and ordinary people who have a strong tendency to accept what the majority do or told them. Human's mind are so fragile. The need to conform is especially loathing. Marketers and evangelistic religious domination would love that. Bandwagon effect. Ever remember having a debate with friends when the majority of the people agrees that a shirt is black color, when some actually thinks it's dark blue, and in the end, everyone ended up agreeing with the majority? It's fine when it's just a trivial day-to-day impersonal stuffs, but when it comes to matter of religion, human rights, morality...? One culture's perceived immorality could just kill a few thousand of people without remorse, simply because they are deviates. There's no real effort on the majority's part to understand the two-sides of the coin, or to put aside personal conviction 1st.
But at the same time, there are also smart-alecks out there who simply disagree with everything the majority thinks is correct, just so as to appear different, if not smarter than the rest of the human populace. I've the tendency to make this mistake myself sometimes, but only cos' I believe that there's no whole truth in "truth". I think that people need to find an answer for themselves, rather than rely purely on what people say. Whether you'll end up as a majority or the minority is only a matter of consequence, rather than being a reason to agreeing/disagreeing something.
Even if we eventually come to a personal conclusion through research and experience, there's also a possibility that others who have also done the same might arrive at a different conclusion. This is where freedom of thoughts and beliefs come in. If people cannot accept your thoughts, you do not push it upon them. There are exceptions of course, such as the golden rule of reciprocal: Harm not yourself AND others.
Over here, I'm not trying to push my readers to believe everything I've said, despite the fact that I try to keep my thoughts and perspectives organised and accurately represented. I only hope that people read about what I have to say, AND think about it. DO some research. Experience. Learn. AND then empathize. Don't just take what you read for granted, like how typical Singapore education taught us how to study, where we so readily accept and memorise everything we are taught.
Logging out.
But at the same time, there are also smart-alecks out there who simply disagree with everything the majority thinks is correct, just so as to appear different, if not smarter than the rest of the human populace. I've the tendency to make this mistake myself sometimes, but only cos' I believe that there's no whole truth in "truth". I think that people need to find an answer for themselves, rather than rely purely on what people say. Whether you'll end up as a majority or the minority is only a matter of consequence, rather than being a reason to agreeing/disagreeing something.
Even if we eventually come to a personal conclusion through research and experience, there's also a possibility that others who have also done the same might arrive at a different conclusion. This is where freedom of thoughts and beliefs come in. If people cannot accept your thoughts, you do not push it upon them. There are exceptions of course, such as the golden rule of reciprocal: Harm not yourself AND others.
Over here, I'm not trying to push my readers to believe everything I've said, despite the fact that I try to keep my thoughts and perspectives organised and accurately represented. I only hope that people read about what I have to say, AND think about it. DO some research. Experience. Learn. AND then empathize. Don't just take what you read for granted, like how typical Singapore education taught us how to study, where we so readily accept and memorise everything we are taught.
Logging out.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Conservative's Slippery Slope Arguments in SG
Just back from morning class. Zzz. So sleepy, especially with the rain and boring lecture.
I stepped into the house and saw last night's chinese newspaper, with the front cover of people critisizing LiuQian (the uber famous magician in Taiwan/China recently), because he performed too much death-defying tricks. Was claimed that he's getting more demonic.
A random thought came across my mine. I remembered this programme on Power 98 where Glenn Ong played all the vocals for The Misfits segment. Was one of my fav segments back when I was still in sec sch. Did a search and came across a news about Glenn Ong seperated with Jamie Yeo. Did yet a further search on Jamie Yeo in general, and I chance upon lots of controversial links about her, particular of an incident long ago where she related her experience of her naturally experiencing orgasm at age 6 and losing her virginity at age 18. Well, apparently lotsa parents are unhappy about it, but she felt that she's not in the wrong.
1 thing common about these 2 people: I don't really like them. I felt that the former is getting arrogant, and is especially frivolous. The latter... well, her segments on the radio are utterly boring, and i heard it gets worse these days. But still, that's not the point of this entry. The thing I wanna talk about is... What is the limit of this society?
About slightly more than a 100 years ago, Harry Houdini impressed the world with his many death-defying magic tricks, including surviving live burial, water torture cell, etc. These tricks continued to inspire modern-day magicians, and some like LiuQian even went on to develop new tricks out of it. How is it possible that people 100 years ago is more open-minded than modern days people? Or perhaps, people these days just can't accept the fact that magicians these days are becoming increasingly more skilled? Then again, it's Singaporeans. Maybe they rather watch magician jump out of bathroom tub? Oh, the thrill!
And about Jamie Yeo. Well, I do expect some people to react to it. Parents, particularly. But using the word "mind-blowing" to just describe her 1st sex wasn't exactly what I would call explicit. The tomyam banmian I had this morning in school was equally mind-blowing in taste! What's with parents shutting up about the concept of sex to their kids? Kids are naturally curious about everything under the sun. And the more they are told to avoid, the more they will venture to what was forewarned. As a kid, i remembered breaking every rules possible. Touching an operating iron, hot kettle, breaking glass, even stealing. Most of the time, my parents would let the cane do the educating, but some things I never understood until I've reached a certain age and start thinking in others' shoes, as well as learning from personal experience. Anyway, I kinda digressed. Bottomline is, safe exposures are fine. I know of a friend who's parents actually watch adult videos in front of their kids. She doesn't seemed to grow up into someone particularly curious about sex or nudity. I suspect nudity to her is probably more like seeing a nude scene on National Geographics. Anyway, the Jamie Yeo incident is also unnecessarily blown up... by paranoid Singaporean parents. I think, she has the freedom of speech, and those stuffs she mentioned about her 1st discovery of masturbation and her 1st sex... well, there are worse things on the net that are hell lot more blantant. Pornography. Live cams. Etc.
People often forget that public figures are also mere mortals, capable of faults and flaws. But as long as they don't do anything that contravenes their duty, what need is there to push blames on them? After all, you can even have religious leaders committing heinous faults like child molest and fund embezzlement.
Come to think of it, why is the monk MingYi jailed for fund embezzlement, while pastor rony tan public assault on buddhism (an offense in singapore punishable by imprisonment... and there was a case law already...) is let off the hook so easily?
I stepped into the house and saw last night's chinese newspaper, with the front cover of people critisizing LiuQian (the uber famous magician in Taiwan/China recently), because he performed too much death-defying tricks. Was claimed that he's getting more demonic.
A random thought came across my mine. I remembered this programme on Power 98 where Glenn Ong played all the vocals for The Misfits segment. Was one of my fav segments back when I was still in sec sch. Did a search and came across a news about Glenn Ong seperated with Jamie Yeo. Did yet a further search on Jamie Yeo in general, and I chance upon lots of controversial links about her, particular of an incident long ago where she related her experience of her naturally experiencing orgasm at age 6 and losing her virginity at age 18. Well, apparently lotsa parents are unhappy about it, but she felt that she's not in the wrong.
1 thing common about these 2 people: I don't really like them. I felt that the former is getting arrogant, and is especially frivolous. The latter... well, her segments on the radio are utterly boring, and i heard it gets worse these days. But still, that's not the point of this entry. The thing I wanna talk about is... What is the limit of this society?
About slightly more than a 100 years ago, Harry Houdini impressed the world with his many death-defying magic tricks, including surviving live burial, water torture cell, etc. These tricks continued to inspire modern-day magicians, and some like LiuQian even went on to develop new tricks out of it. How is it possible that people 100 years ago is more open-minded than modern days people? Or perhaps, people these days just can't accept the fact that magicians these days are becoming increasingly more skilled? Then again, it's Singaporeans. Maybe they rather watch magician jump out of bathroom tub? Oh, the thrill!
And about Jamie Yeo. Well, I do expect some people to react to it. Parents, particularly. But using the word "mind-blowing" to just describe her 1st sex wasn't exactly what I would call explicit. The tomyam banmian I had this morning in school was equally mind-blowing in taste! What's with parents shutting up about the concept of sex to their kids? Kids are naturally curious about everything under the sun. And the more they are told to avoid, the more they will venture to what was forewarned. As a kid, i remembered breaking every rules possible. Touching an operating iron, hot kettle, breaking glass, even stealing. Most of the time, my parents would let the cane do the educating, but some things I never understood until I've reached a certain age and start thinking in others' shoes, as well as learning from personal experience. Anyway, I kinda digressed. Bottomline is, safe exposures are fine. I know of a friend who's parents actually watch adult videos in front of their kids. She doesn't seemed to grow up into someone particularly curious about sex or nudity. I suspect nudity to her is probably more like seeing a nude scene on National Geographics. Anyway, the Jamie Yeo incident is also unnecessarily blown up... by paranoid Singaporean parents. I think, she has the freedom of speech, and those stuffs she mentioned about her 1st discovery of masturbation and her 1st sex... well, there are worse things on the net that are hell lot more blantant. Pornography. Live cams. Etc.
People often forget that public figures are also mere mortals, capable of faults and flaws. But as long as they don't do anything that contravenes their duty, what need is there to push blames on them? After all, you can even have religious leaders committing heinous faults like child molest and fund embezzlement.
Come to think of it, why is the monk MingYi jailed for fund embezzlement, while pastor rony tan public assault on buddhism (an offense in singapore punishable by imprisonment... and there was a case law already...) is let off the hook so easily?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Religion and Morality
I have decided to conform to my biological clock: Sleep as much as possible in the day, and be ultra constructive at night. For example, i'm doing accountings now at 3am...
I hope it rains 24/7 everyday. The weather's ridiculous these days. Once the rain stops in the afternoon, the night is unbearably hot. Probably global warming. Speaking of which, I was reading a booklet much earlier. Think some people drop it into our letterbox. It's some self-proclaimed spiritual master trying to promote going vegetarian to lessen contribution to global warming. Btw, here's the wiki on her:
It's worrying what kinda people sprout out from around the world these days. Here, we're looking at a possible philanthropist who self-proclaimed herself as akin to Buddha with supernatural power. And of course, also the setting up of a religious foundation named after herself. And at the same time, being so involved in businesses. Oh. And did i I mention that telling people to chant her name will bring deliverance and aid enlightenment? To promote vegetarian and environmentalism is a good thing. But these surface acts are not indication of a true saint inside... or actually in this case, I actually doubt the sanity of this person itself...
I personally felt that in the present world, people lack healthy skepticism. Religion is a source of spiritual and emotional support. Not alot of people can stand the idea of being unable to explain events happening to them. Not alot of people can live with a "meaningless" life, therefore it must be that God has a plan for us all. Not alot of people dare to take the risk when they are told that they will go to hell if they do not believe. Not many people dare to question their own faith, for fear that it is blasphemy to even doubt. Not many people look beyond the facade (if any), and believed simply because the religion institutes they belong to are doing charitable things.
My point is, things might not appear as it is. There are many religions who claimed themselves as the one true faith. Then my question is, what gives them the right to claim so, as over all other faiths? What exact is "true faith"? Is it so important that it takes priority over humanity altogether? It is so important that you must defend them, even if it means killing/harassing/debasing/(insert negative verbs) the people who also live on this planet with you? My next question is, assuming that this "only true faith" is found, how realistic is it that the preachers of this faith be flawless? Look at the recent child sex scandal in Roman Catholic Church... or rather the whole strings of child sexual abuses in history. Those in religious authority are not necessary flawless. Who is to correct them? The believers? And if the err is less eye-catching, such as misinterpretation of the scriptures/bible, who has to authority to correct them? The proclaimed God? Last I remember, "God" haven't sent a bolt of lightening down to fire the Pope, which explain why he's still sitting comfortably in his office now.
Conclusion: Be realistic. Do what is good for others and ourselves without the need to heed all the talks about supernaturals and God. My point here is not to advocate a disbelief in God, but rather more of discourage a need to be "God-centered". If you can behave like a saint in action because you are already a saint inside you, it doesn't matter what your religion is, because (I believe that) God can't fault a saint for not believing in the incomprehensible supernatural. Of cos, all these talks assuming that God exists in the 1st place. But even if God and afterlife justices does not exist, it shouldn't make contributing meaningfully to the people around you any less important.
There was a rather pessimistic theory that without religion in this world, there would be no morality. I say... even if there's religions, doing what your religions tell you to do doesn't make you any more moral, since you're only bargaining for entry to heaven. For example in Singapore, people give seats to elderly because it's a social norm which if you don't conform, people will look at you as an inconsiderate person. So the very act of giving up seats to the elderly is not an accurate gauge that you are a considerate towards the elderly, but could be that you just don't want to feel embarrassed. At the end of the day, is Singapore a considerate society as compared to other countries? Not necessarily so.
Feedbacks are welcomed. =D
I hope it rains 24/7 everyday. The weather's ridiculous these days. Once the rain stops in the afternoon, the night is unbearably hot. Probably global warming. Speaking of which, I was reading a booklet much earlier. Think some people drop it into our letterbox. It's some self-proclaimed spiritual master trying to promote going vegetarian to lessen contribution to global warming. Btw, here's the wiki on her:
It's worrying what kinda people sprout out from around the world these days. Here, we're looking at a possible philanthropist who self-proclaimed herself as akin to Buddha with supernatural power. And of course, also the setting up of a religious foundation named after herself. And at the same time, being so involved in businesses. Oh. And did i I mention that telling people to chant her name will bring deliverance and aid enlightenment? To promote vegetarian and environmentalism is a good thing. But these surface acts are not indication of a true saint inside... or actually in this case, I actually doubt the sanity of this person itself...
I personally felt that in the present world, people lack healthy skepticism. Religion is a source of spiritual and emotional support. Not alot of people can stand the idea of being unable to explain events happening to them. Not alot of people can live with a "meaningless" life, therefore it must be that God has a plan for us all. Not alot of people dare to take the risk when they are told that they will go to hell if they do not believe. Not many people dare to question their own faith, for fear that it is blasphemy to even doubt. Not many people look beyond the facade (if any), and believed simply because the religion institutes they belong to are doing charitable things.
My point is, things might not appear as it is. There are many religions who claimed themselves as the one true faith. Then my question is, what gives them the right to claim so, as over all other faiths? What exact is "true faith"? Is it so important that it takes priority over humanity altogether? It is so important that you must defend them, even if it means killing/harassing/debasing/(insert negative verbs) the people who also live on this planet with you? My next question is, assuming that this "only true faith" is found, how realistic is it that the preachers of this faith be flawless? Look at the recent child sex scandal in Roman Catholic Church... or rather the whole strings of child sexual abuses in history. Those in religious authority are not necessary flawless. Who is to correct them? The believers? And if the err is less eye-catching, such as misinterpretation of the scriptures/bible, who has to authority to correct them? The proclaimed God? Last I remember, "God" haven't sent a bolt of lightening down to fire the Pope, which explain why he's still sitting comfortably in his office now.
Conclusion: Be realistic. Do what is good for others and ourselves without the need to heed all the talks about supernaturals and God. My point here is not to advocate a disbelief in God, but rather more of discourage a need to be "God-centered". If you can behave like a saint in action because you are already a saint inside you, it doesn't matter what your religion is, because (I believe that) God can't fault a saint for not believing in the incomprehensible supernatural. Of cos, all these talks assuming that God exists in the 1st place. But even if God and afterlife justices does not exist, it shouldn't make contributing meaningfully to the people around you any less important.
There was a rather pessimistic theory that without religion in this world, there would be no morality. I say... even if there's religions, doing what your religions tell you to do doesn't make you any more moral, since you're only bargaining for entry to heaven. For example in Singapore, people give seats to elderly because it's a social norm which if you don't conform, people will look at you as an inconsiderate person. So the very act of giving up seats to the elderly is not an accurate gauge that you are a considerate towards the elderly, but could be that you just don't want to feel embarrassed. At the end of the day, is Singapore a considerate society as compared to other countries? Not necessarily so.
Feedbacks are welcomed. =D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Change, we(I) can
Think it's time to call a break on all those entertainments, like Naruto/Pokemon/Dragon Age/singing/etc. Well... Maybe not singing. But anyway, it's time to make some changes to lifestyle pattern before the exam comes. Change, I can. =D
At least for now, I'll target to revise a significant amount of things each day. Whether I do manage to finish my revision by the exam deadline is another thing, I guess. But putting the deadline in my head isn't one of the more motivational thing to do when studying is already a drag by itself. Hmm... Each day, be better than I am yesterday.
Back to studies then.
At least for now, I'll target to revise a significant amount of things each day. Whether I do manage to finish my revision by the exam deadline is another thing, I guess. But putting the deadline in my head isn't one of the more motivational thing to do when studying is already a drag by itself. Hmm... Each day, be better than I am yesterday.
Back to studies then.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I've been so caught up by the sloth monster these days that I can't function properly like a person who's supposed to have my exams in less than a month time. Sigh... I think I'll wake up early tomorrow for a run.
Just watched a video on this taiwanese guy with a vocal range of whitney houston.
Reminds me of many singers and sing enthusiasts out there these days. The quality of music seems to be deteriorating. Plenty of people out there seems to like songs without realising that sometimes the lyrics are totally nonsensical. There's also alot of people out there who desired to learn singing cos they wanna be well-known. And there are also some who idolises and try to follow in footsteps of people who execute very difficult vocal techniques.
Music, is a form of expression. The producer of music (ie. Singer, music producer, lyricist, instrumentalist, etc) adds meanings to a song, produce a combination and sequence of music notes, decides on the arrangement of various instruments, and decide on the appropriate usage of vocal techniques. The final product is something that appeals to people, because people can understand the song on the level of meanings, both understood from the lyrics, and the instrumental arrangements that brings out the mood. The listener could be touched/excited/inspired/energised/depressed/angry, depending on what the song wants to bring out.
When the lyrics make no sense, listeners are only listening to the music arrangement, which the singer might as well be absent from. As for people who's into the music industry or learned singing only for fame's sake... the music they typically tried to reproduce typically would lack a touch of meanings. A copycat. Watch youtube, and it shouldn't be hard to find many wannabes like these. Amazingly, some of these people have excellent vocal techniques, but somehow the songs seem to leave their vocal chords lacking sincerity.
With regards to vocal techniques, more does not equate good. It's like... cooking. You don't add too much pepper if you'll just trying to flavor a broth. If you're making curry, you should be adding substantially more spices than what a broth would need. Also, people ought to consider if their voice suits using certain vocal techniques. I know of some guy friends who seems to think that anything that is sung as high as possible with skill sounds good. The fact isn't. Everyone is unique in one way or another, even their voice. Being able to do the same, doesn't means being good in the same way. I think that people have to find their own voice, rather than living in others' shadow. There are singers out there, male or female, who have very small vocal range and belongs to the lower range of the scale, or that they use very little vocal techniques, but their music still inspires/touches people. Eg. Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones, Eason Chen, etc.
I've said my 2-cents worth on what I think good music is. Time to get back to the fight with the sloth demon!
Just watched a video on this taiwanese guy with a vocal range of whitney houston.
Reminds me of many singers and sing enthusiasts out there these days. The quality of music seems to be deteriorating. Plenty of people out there seems to like songs without realising that sometimes the lyrics are totally nonsensical. There's also alot of people out there who desired to learn singing cos they wanna be well-known. And there are also some who idolises and try to follow in footsteps of people who execute very difficult vocal techniques.
Music, is a form of expression. The producer of music (ie. Singer, music producer, lyricist, instrumentalist, etc) adds meanings to a song, produce a combination and sequence of music notes, decides on the arrangement of various instruments, and decide on the appropriate usage of vocal techniques. The final product is something that appeals to people, because people can understand the song on the level of meanings, both understood from the lyrics, and the instrumental arrangements that brings out the mood. The listener could be touched/excited/inspired/energised/depressed/angry, depending on what the song wants to bring out.
When the lyrics make no sense, listeners are only listening to the music arrangement, which the singer might as well be absent from. As for people who's into the music industry or learned singing only for fame's sake... the music they typically tried to reproduce typically would lack a touch of meanings. A copycat. Watch youtube, and it shouldn't be hard to find many wannabes like these. Amazingly, some of these people have excellent vocal techniques, but somehow the songs seem to leave their vocal chords lacking sincerity.
With regards to vocal techniques, more does not equate good. It's like... cooking. You don't add too much pepper if you'll just trying to flavor a broth. If you're making curry, you should be adding substantially more spices than what a broth would need. Also, people ought to consider if their voice suits using certain vocal techniques. I know of some guy friends who seems to think that anything that is sung as high as possible with skill sounds good. The fact isn't. Everyone is unique in one way or another, even their voice. Being able to do the same, doesn't means being good in the same way. I think that people have to find their own voice, rather than living in others' shadow. There are singers out there, male or female, who have very small vocal range and belongs to the lower range of the scale, or that they use very little vocal techniques, but their music still inspires/touches people. Eg. Amy Winehouse, Norah Jones, Eason Chen, etc.
I've said my 2-cents worth on what I think good music is. Time to get back to the fight with the sloth demon!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
3 hours ago, it was 1.30am, and I had a sudden craving for meepok from under my flat. I'm really growing fat these days.
Most of the time, I tend to be less than enthusiastic about doing my best, because I know that effort does not equates success, and most people are quick to judge by being result-oriented. Why work too hard and in the end not to be recognised? Perhaps that's why I don't find any motivation at the moment to sprint for exams. Kinda lost my fire. Even if I start hitting the books now, it's only cos I'm stressed at my peers already doing so.
I need to affirm my existence, but I don't wanna struggle doing so.
Sounds chim? Someone i know said something right: "The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." It is easier to obfuscate my cowardice behind words and philosophy, than to fight for something out of reach...
Most of the time, I tend to be less than enthusiastic about doing my best, because I know that effort does not equates success, and most people are quick to judge by being result-oriented. Why work too hard and in the end not to be recognised? Perhaps that's why I don't find any motivation at the moment to sprint for exams. Kinda lost my fire. Even if I start hitting the books now, it's only cos I'm stressed at my peers already doing so.
I need to affirm my existence, but I don't wanna struggle doing so.
Sounds chim? Someone i know said something right: "The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." It is easier to obfuscate my cowardice behind words and philosophy, than to fight for something out of reach...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Spent most of the day studying law today. Actually, i studied till daybreak 8am this morning. Woke up at 4pm in afternoon. Feeling like crap now. Was jio for group study by singing club friends but end up didn't meet them, cos i thought i could go faster while at home. Turn out i'm not any much faster but doubly bored. Should have taken it easy like most others since this is just prelims. Oh well...
Anyway, couldn't finish it. Darn too much to memorise. I'm giving up. I'll take a break.
Anyway, couldn't finish it. Darn too much to memorise. I'm giving up. I'll take a break.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Mug Mug Mug
Tis' graveyard hour at 3:30am. Within 30mins, it'll be the start of my normal sleep hour, but I doubt I'll get to sleep tonight.
Been compiling and reading summaries of each case law one by one for 7 hrs already... Hopefully I can finished at least half of it tonight. Paper's on coming thursday. Damn the British and their colonial era's doctrine of precedence! If legal principles are correctly applied, then all similar cases would arrive at the same rulings, no? And that would make memorising past key cases as being unnecessarily. Human brains are limited, which is why we have references and computers.
Not too long ago while I was at an OG-mate's home for post-CNY reunion, I saw the group picture that all of us took together. Wondered where mom kept it. Ended up finding them in my drawer covered with dust. Just cleaned it and set it on my desk. Serves as good motivation. Brings back good memories. Regrettably, I kinda distanced from them since the start of year 2, cos i don't share the same timetable with all of them. I guess that's life. Close friends are made and lost with the passage of time, because everyone might be on a different path. But of course, how good we are at socialising also plays a part, and I confess to being rather poor at that...
Which path am I going to? I don't fear the future, but it's always full of regrets. If only we could capture the moments and store it for eternity like what photography does...
Been compiling and reading summaries of each case law one by one for 7 hrs already... Hopefully I can finished at least half of it tonight. Paper's on coming thursday. Damn the British and their colonial era's doctrine of precedence! If legal principles are correctly applied, then all similar cases would arrive at the same rulings, no? And that would make memorising past key cases as being unnecessarily. Human brains are limited, which is why we have references and computers.
Not too long ago while I was at an OG-mate's home for post-CNY reunion, I saw the group picture that all of us took together. Wondered where mom kept it. Ended up finding them in my drawer covered with dust. Just cleaned it and set it on my desk. Serves as good motivation. Brings back good memories. Regrettably, I kinda distanced from them since the start of year 2, cos i don't share the same timetable with all of them. I guess that's life. Close friends are made and lost with the passage of time, because everyone might be on a different path. But of course, how good we are at socialising also plays a part, and I confess to being rather poor at that...
Which path am I going to? I don't fear the future, but it's always full of regrets. If only we could capture the moments and store it for eternity like what photography does...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Choice & Lethargic
It's not fair, why others can hold happiness in their own hands, if they choose to, while I can't even choose to hold someone's hands. "To have", is not a luxury. It's "CHOOSE to have" that is a luxury.
So lethargic. Don't feel like studying. Don't feel like playing. Don't feel like anything. And it's not helping that prelims is on this month. Maybe I really need motivation, but what's the source of motivation?
So lethargic. Don't feel like studying. Don't feel like playing. Don't feel like anything. And it's not helping that prelims is on this month. Maybe I really need motivation, but what's the source of motivation?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Too sensitive?
It's not quite the thing that I'm inclined to talk about on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year. I hope I'm just being too sensitive these days.
Been getting the feeling that people are reacting rather negatively to things I've said. It feels as if there's some kinda of shared hidden consensus... an agreement that I'm a condemned person. Relationships start to drift. People who still appears friendly tends to snap back doubly hard over casual comments I've made. And I kept trying to 2nd guess myself. Perhaps I'm really thinking too much. There are some people whom I expected them to trust me to be better than what they claimed. Perhaps my expectations are too high. Or perhaps, people dunno me enough just cos I don't hang out with them often?
Much as I would like to start grabbing someone and "interrogate" what exactly is going on (if any), I would rather focus my time on prelims. I can't really stop people from thinking badly of me, if I'm clear of my conscience. I may be blatant, but I'm never malicious. And so, at least blogging here lets me defend myself and I'll rest my case. Doesn't really matter if no one reads this. This place is a garbage bin to deposit stuffs, so that life can go on.
Been getting the feeling that people are reacting rather negatively to things I've said. It feels as if there's some kinda of shared hidden consensus... an agreement that I'm a condemned person. Relationships start to drift. People who still appears friendly tends to snap back doubly hard over casual comments I've made. And I kept trying to 2nd guess myself. Perhaps I'm really thinking too much. There are some people whom I expected them to trust me to be better than what they claimed. Perhaps my expectations are too high. Or perhaps, people dunno me enough just cos I don't hang out with them often?
Much as I would like to start grabbing someone and "interrogate" what exactly is going on (if any), I would rather focus my time on prelims. I can't really stop people from thinking badly of me, if I'm clear of my conscience. I may be blatant, but I'm never malicious. And so, at least blogging here lets me defend myself and I'll rest my case. Doesn't really matter if no one reads this. This place is a garbage bin to deposit stuffs, so that life can go on.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Has been abt 3 weeks since I last blog. A good number of miscellaneous things happened and it has been in the passing. Nothing really worth particular mention. Perhaps that's why it's rather depressing, actually. Somehow, the grass always looks greener on the other side; everyone else seems to be living more interesting lives than me.
These days, I've been thinking alot about myself. No. I'm not narcissistic. I'm just thinking about my image. As a singing club active member, we've been trained to be... shall i use the word "shameless"? Ironically, this "shameless" is achieved via sincerity, a desire to act as someone whom i really would want to be, even though the act may sucks. In school, there are some group of friends who know about me more than they need to, and mostly alot who doesn't really know me much. But whichever side it is, it seems that the social bridgings on both sides seems to be slowly eroding away. It's like friends have slowly become acquaintances, but not like through some sorta betrayal or fallout with each other. Everyone becomes some kinda familiar strangers. A good friend of mine quote an accurate word that aptly describes me (although he intended it for someone else).
Sometimes, I wish that things between people are abit easier. I wish people could juz hold my hands and guide me what am I supposed to do to maintain all these. But I guess everyone learns it the hard way... trial and error. Some people are naturally lucky to be blessed with a silver tongue, while others are... inherently "aloof" but am trying to do something about it.
These days, I've been thinking alot about myself. No. I'm not narcissistic. I'm just thinking about my image. As a singing club active member, we've been trained to be... shall i use the word "shameless"? Ironically, this "shameless" is achieved via sincerity, a desire to act as someone whom i really would want to be, even though the act may sucks. In school, there are some group of friends who know about me more than they need to, and mostly alot who doesn't really know me much. But whichever side it is, it seems that the social bridgings on both sides seems to be slowly eroding away. It's like friends have slowly become acquaintances, but not like through some sorta betrayal or fallout with each other. Everyone becomes some kinda familiar strangers. A good friend of mine quote an accurate word that aptly describes me (although he intended it for someone else).
Sometimes, I wish that things between people are abit easier. I wish people could juz hold my hands and guide me what am I supposed to do to maintain all these. But I guess everyone learns it the hard way... trial and error. Some people are naturally lucky to be blessed with a silver tongue, while others are... inherently "aloof" but am trying to do something about it.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year, 2010.
There's this saying: At 1:11am/pm, if you're thinking of someone, someone would also be thinking of you.
I wasn't thinking of anyone. And haven't been able to think of someone at 1.11am/pm for years already.
I was angry, and went out for a walk for an hr plus. Fireworks and cheers and colorful lights when the new year transcends. But I'm juz a shadow under a rainbow bridge.
Who knows what face hide beneath the masquerade mask?
There's this saying: At 1:11am/pm, if you're thinking of someone, someone would also be thinking of you.
I wasn't thinking of anyone. And haven't been able to think of someone at 1.11am/pm for years already.
I was angry, and went out for a walk for an hr plus. Fireworks and cheers and colorful lights when the new year transcends. But I'm juz a shadow under a rainbow bridge.
Who knows what face hide beneath the masquerade mask?
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