Saturday, June 26, 2010

Idiotic China Worker

I'm blogging this entry right after coming home from a graveyard shift. Damn pissed with a China bugger who don't use his brain to work, or at least have a sense of working peacefully with colleagues. Before I got on ranting, I would like to put up a disclaimer: This is NOT intended to refer to ALL China people, but a good number of them who exhibits such behaviour. Here goes the story:

It is near change shift time. My shift was coming to an end. Most people have the tendency to not bother with helping the next shift top up their supplies. I'm was tasked with supplying all the stations for my shift. Being nice, I've topped up all the stations with supplies by at least an excess of 50% more, as a sign of proper hand-over... which something most other people wouldn't have bothered. All except one station, but the supply is more than enough to last for at least 2 hrs., which is at least enough time for anyone to take a slow stroll to top up that supply at least 4 times over. And anyway, even my guy at that station also feel that there's still more than enough, so I didn't bother to rush that.

Then this China bugger came to take over my job when change shift, so i'm supposed to be able to go off already and everything's in order. Then he started ranting, "Your guys didn't top up everything completely! You all supposed to handover everything in perfect order!". All the while, he didn't realise he's ranting to the person doing the job. I said, "I'm was in-charge of the supplies. What is your issue?" That's when he tried to wriggle out and suddenly trying to play nice, "Oh! But you need to go off already, right? Just leave it to me then." What is this? It's my fault and he's being nice by forgiving me? I was damned pissed and went to rush to pick up the supplies in 5 mins time, slapped an excess more than that station can hold, and told his (another china) colleague, "Your colleague is making a big fuss over that bit of supplies not filled to brim! What the hell is wrong with him?". He quietly picked the supplies for packing, but i didn't even bother waiting to see what he's going to do with the excess that he couldn't store. Btw, what's missing is only 10 bottles of soft drinks out of 60. That's all to the commotion he's making.

My job is not to make sure that the person taking over me can afford to slack and cross their legs for the next 3 hrs, since he's not paying me my salary. The principle is that as long as I'm not leaving them with shortage all over the place, I'm being responsible enough already, which most other staffs would not have been that kind. If he needed help with topping up the excess, at least have the decency to do it together, since he's also on the job, and not rant at one corner.

On a sidenote, here's a little maths logic to it: You can't predict the demand very well for which soft drinks the customers prefer, so if you top up the wrong one, you'll have little space for the more popular ones and the person topping up the supplies will have to go on multiple runs. A little bit of free space without causing a shortage in supply is also a resource. I dunno why the educational field look up to these people simply because they can remember things by rout, but don't apply flexible thinking to different scenarios.

The search for the one optimal solution, is at times is in itself a suboptimal solution. Not everything is 1 + 1 = 2 or always 3. I don't trust academicians very much. They tend to use beautiful language and ideals like 1 +1 = 3, but what about 2.999 or 4.6294? Believe me. If they could, they would have add it to their vocabulary and insist that the optimal solution is 2.999. Unless lives are at stake on accuracy, a perfect world is one that is imperfect... to an acceptable standard.

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